1. What’s your recommendation on what you shouldn’t miss when visiting Bogotá for the first time?
A/ The historic center and downtown of Bogotá is a must. Walking a Friday afternoon through the Carrera 7ma (one of the main streets), from the 26th street to the Bolivar Plaza, listen to live music, check out the crazy thing people sell on the streets, watching old and new buildings on top of each other and feeling this lively daily event we call “septimazo”. Don’t miss the Gold and Botero Museum, as well as the collection of Banco de la República. The city has grown and developed culturally in other areas closer to the north, but I believe the best way to know the real Bogotá is to spend time on its historic center.

2. What is Estéreo Picinic?
This is the largest and most important private music festival celebrated in Colombia. The most important rock and pop artists from the globe such as Kendrick Lamar, The Strokes, The Killers, and more have presented their shows here. This year, cult bands such as Guns and Roses and Chemical Brothers are sharing the stage with local bands. One of the local bands that play for the first time on this huge event is Aguas Ardientes, a young folk-rock band where I play. This festival also gives the chance to many of us to enjoy the live shows of the greatest music artists in the world in our city, which is something not everyone has access to.

3. Tell us about yourself and your band Aguas Ardientes.
I’m an economist deeply in love with music, especially Colombian musical history. I’ve been part of the local band Aguas Ardientes for the past 7 months, I play the bass, the guitar and sometimes the accordion. I’m not a professional musician, my curiosity about Colombian music went from collecting vinyl records, to learning by myself how to play several instruments. I love being part of this band as I can explore international rhythms and fuse them with local ones. We will present our show at Estéreo Picnic on December 2020 for the first time, we are incredibly excited and invite everyone to come and feel the musical culture that’s inherent of all Colombian’s souls.
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